International Benevolent Research Forum

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Universal Declaration of Human Rights
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IBRF Peace Initiative
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IBRF Formation:

IBRF is formed  in 1993 with a group of like-minded people associated to social organizations passed a resolution to form a new Human Rights Forum inviting Writers, Poets, Journalists, Novelists, Researchers, Doctors, Scientists, Social Workers, Engineers, Architects, Professors, Diplomats and other professionals from around the globe. 

Our aims and objectives were to create awareness about International Understanding, Peace and Human Rights and to bring people on a common forum to discuss about all these burning issues.  Our ambition was to create a new forum that would permit members to interchange their ideas.

Initially we started gathering information about outstanding people and their achievements, so that we can interact with them about our aims and objectives.  We collected huge data and this was highly interesting, it needs to be preserved for generations to come.  Thus we have brought biographical books named Curriculum Vitae International, World's Who's Who, Eminent Personalities of India.  These volumes were great success and gained world reputation.

We have brought other publications and organised several activities.  We are planning to bring scientific journals, newsletters etc. 

Open the attachment for recent Summit of Nobel Peace Laureates in Rome.  They adopted a very strong, clear statement on nuclear weapons.  IBRF urge all of you to use the Rome Declaration in advocacy and to spread it far and wide.

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